Saturday, 17 January 2009

017:365 I Wish I Could Fly

My daughter Caron and I went for a wander down the canal today so that she could feed the swans and ducks...but despite walking a good amount of the canal there were none to be found so we ended up throwing the broken up half loaf of bread for the seagulls.

This is a full frame uncropped image, so i'm really happy with the framing, although i do feel it's a touch soft, mainly due to the shutter speed and the speed it was moving at, in hindsight i would have increased the ISO a touch to get a sharper image.

I'm beginning to quite like images of birds also, something i never ever though i would have.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm beginning to quite like images of birds also, something i never ever though i would have." Yeah, thats why you never trawl The Hun...oh, that kind of bird, d'oh!
