Friday, 9 January 2009

009:365 Yup Another Moon Shot's another Moon shot... but I really like this one today.

Lynn bought me a Tamron 55-200mm lens yesterday which arrived today so i decided to have a bit of a redo of yesterdays feeble attempt at a moon.

This time i waited til it was darker and shot at 200mm from the tripod.

The white streaks are cloud movement as it was shot at f5.6 4.5 sec ISO100 then desaturated in PS.


  1. Excellent capture, Tom. Great ghosting in the cloud movement. I've been promising myself to do this for as long as I can remember and you've still beat me to the post. Congrats on the new glass - another dimention is about to open for you.

  2. So you got the lens then...nice shot.
