Thursday, 5 February 2009

036:365 The Principal

My Flickr connection seems to be playing up today so posting the old way.

Todays shot is a little bit different, this is Mhairi, the prinicipal at West Lothian College, who was kind enough to agree to letting me photograph her or my corporate portrait.

This particular shot has been taken using a Cambo SC-2 Basic Large Format 5x4 camera and a Rodenstock 210mm lens, using Ilford Delta 100 film. It was then processed in Ilford Ifotec HC developer and scanned using an Epson Perfection V700 Pro.

The only post work on this is a little mark removal and a slight curves on Mhairi's face to adjust the skin tones.

I'm really quite happy with this shot and absolutely love using the 5x4.


  1. LF and processed on the same day, impressive!
    Teachers pet? He he only kidding, nice job.

  2. hahaha yeah i have my own supply of apples.

    Yeah same day is awesome, the dev is really easy and only around an hour or so to go from shot processed neg almost dry...

    I love it though the LF stuff is just awesome.

    really happy with this shot.
